How does Poli start again? Here are all the details!

The beginning of the new academic year is approaching and many of you still have lots of doubts and open questions. With this article we will try to answer you in the light of our work in recent months inside PoliMi bodies.

We would like to give you the complete picture of what awaits us from 14 September onwards, the structure model that has been chosen and the reasons that led to restart in these ways. Here you can find our position after the decision of the Academic Senate (link).

We will never tire of reiterating how essential it is for us to be present on campus for relationships and therefore university is not reducible to the hour of the lecture. For this reason, we renew the invitation to everyone to return to live on our campuses and start again to experience the university in the round.

There are no obligations, ours is an invitation and we believe that every student, made aware of the complete picture, can freely and consciously choose whether to return or not, also in the light of his experience and situation.

It must be clear: PoliMi reopens its doors and returns to presence, adapting spaces and rhythms to the new circumstances.


Lessons will be held partly in person and partly at distance. The proportion between the two modalities will tend to be 50-50 but can be modulated according to the needs and peculiarities of each course. For example, an architecture laboratory will have a higher percentage of hours in attendance reducing the presence of theoretical courses. For engineering where most of the courses are divided into theory and exercises, the situation will be more homogeneous on 50%.

In any case, the drafting of the timetable is being finalized in these days, which will describe the distance part and the theoretical part for each course, with the relative temporal position.

To structure the timetable, the indication is to minimize the movement of students to the University and to the campus itself. In the same way we will try to leave time between face-to-face lessons and remote lessons to allow students to find a place to follow from the PC.

The face-to-face lessons will therefore be divided into groups: in this way it will be possible to guarantee a place in the classroom for everyone without the need for any reservation.

The face-to-face lessons will at the same time be broadcast in live streaming for those who are unable or unwilling to go to the classroom thanks to ad hoc systems installed in all classrooms during the summer weeks. Furthermore, there will be the possibility for the teacher to record the contents and make them available.

We take the opportunity to inform you that the recordings of the lessons of the last semester will be available on Microsoft Stream until February 2021.

Let’s try to summarize this part like this: until last year a student could not attend courses, study at home, on books and notes recovered and then go for an exam like everyone else. Everyone is free to decide how to attend, it was last year and it will be this year. The difference is that you will be able to follow the videos of the lessons held in the classroom live. For this, no application or request will be required to have access to the live shows.

Right to Study

We are aware that today, more than ever, going to university in Milan is an important sacrifice, even economically. Especially for those categories such as off-site students who have to bear many expenses such as rent. Here (link) you will find all the economic measures for students, which we summarize below.

  1. To obtain the DSU scholarship for “off-site”, students have always had to present a rental contract of at least 10 months by the beginning of October. In addition to this method, which remains unchanged this year too, we had a new window inserted at the beginning of March where a 4-month lease agreement is presented. In this way, a student who decides to stay at home for the first semester and come to Milan for the second, will be able to count on a scholarship calculated on the basis of the months of rent and not be a “commuter” for the entire academic year.
  2. The no tax area has been extended up to 20,000 ISEE and up to 30,000 ISEE there will be a drop in taxation.
  3. In September, 50% of the flat rate DSU meal vouchers will be reimbursed for those who have never used them in the emergency months.
  4. We have tripled the fund for extraordinary contributions to accommodate as many students as possible.
  5. A bonus for the digital divide will be paid out in the coming months for the purchase of hardware. The beneficiaries and the procedures are still being defined.

What reopens beyond teaching?

The campus will continue to play its role as a meeting place, a place of exchange and life within our city. Milan too is and will be an incredible opportunity to have a window on the world and great opportunities to have experiences, meet new cultures and people.

All this will be even more fascinating on university campuses: just think of Renzo Piano’s new Bonardi campus on the home straight.

Obviously, the protocols are well defined with all the necessary health safety precautions. Here are some details:

  • In all campuses the flows will be divided and appropriately indicated to make internal movements orderly and with fewer contacts.
  • In the classrooms, on the other hand, the spacing of one meter will be guaranteed and the capacity is therefore lowered by about 50%.
  • The study rooms and libraries will be accessible following the safety protocol and instructions. 600 study places are already available.
  • The canteens of all campuses will be accessible again and will implement the take-away service. On an experimental basis, there will be lockers in which, upon reservation from the app at the set time, you can collect your meal.
  • Sports activities will restart. The jurors is still closed but events and courses will be organized, accessible to all students. In Bovisa, on the other hand, changing rooms will be installed to allow sports activities and then change on campus.
  • Finally, the student associations will be able to have their spaces for meeting and dialogue with all students through events or projects throughout the semester.


Here are our answers to the most common questions.

Will I be able to follow all the lessons from home?

Of course, although we invite you to come back in attendance for those who are unable or simply do not want to come to the Politecnico, they can follow all the lessons in streaming from home, even those in presence.

Will I have to reserve a seat in the classroom?

No, it will not be necessary to reserve a seat in the classroom because the classes will be divided into two groups so as to have room for everyone.

If I have a compulsory attendance exam, do I have to take it in person?

No, as already happened last semester, attendance can be validated even if the course is followed at a distance.

Will the lessons be recorded?

As happened last semester, the lessons will be recorded only on the decision of the individual teacher. The Politecnico provides platforms for recording both face-to-face and remote lessons and obviously hopes and encourages this service. However, teachers will be free to decide whether or not to register.

Will the study rooms be open?

Yes, some classrooms are already open now and even during the lessons it will be possible to stop and study at the Poli. It will not be necessary to reserve a seat but the capacity of the classrooms is reduced compared to usual to allow for spacing. Here (link) you will find the updated list of all available classrooms.

Will I have to keep the mask inside the university?

In the classrooms and study rooms it will be mandatory to use a personal mask.

What happens in the event of new closures?

Thanks to the technologies implemented, in the event of new closures the transition to digital will be immediate. Likewise, if the situation could improve it could increase the amount of hours in attendance.

For any further question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Good luck for the new year!

Lista Aperta Team

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