CNSU elections!

Who we are? And why are we running for these elections?

We are students, we are motivated by the passion and the interest in the place we spend our days in. We want to be key players in our university with our presence, we want to build through dialogue a place that takes into consideration the need of all the students. For these reasons, our representatives work in almost all the representative bodies of the Politecnico di Milano. In this challenge, we are not alone! We cooperate with other lists of the “Coordinamento Liste per il Diritto allo Studio” (Obiettivo studenti – Lista Aperta – Ateneo Studenti).

Also this year Lista Aperta will present a candidate from Politecnico di Milano. In fact, the presence in CNSU can give our work a national view, bringing the voice of the students to the attention of the governing bodies. Our way of student representation is focused on the needs of the students and it builds, through dialogue, a university system increasingly centered on them and not on political positions.

Our program:


STATE SUPPLEMENTARY FUND AND PNRR: Scholarship amounts have increased and income requirements have been expanded. However, the funds allocated by the state are not sufficient to ensure adequate coverage: another 500 million must be invested and this measure must be made structural.
SINGLE CALL FOR ACCESS TO DSU: We propose to establish a single online platform to submit an application to have access to the benefits of the right to education.
FFO: This is the Ordinary Financing Fund, which is the main economic resource of universities. It is mainly awarded according to a basic fee and a reward fee.
FUND INCREASE: University represents the vital node for the social and cultural development of the country: it is necessary to bring the university system back to the center of national politics, overcoming the current state of under-funding. Only an increase in the FFO will be able to guarantee equal opportunities of services to all students of Italian universities. We also propose that in assigning the “reward quota” more attention should be given to the quality of teaching.
NO-TAX AREA: We propose to align the limit of the no-tax area to the requirements of the DSU (€ 24,000 of ISEE) and to protect students with ISEE up to € 50,000 through the provision of a national maximum value of university fees.


There is no knowledge without a net of relationships: the challenge of the coming months will be to integrate traditional methods with the possibilities offered by technology, regaining the value of “presence”.
INFRASTRUCTURES FOR TEACHING: The funds deriving from PNRR will be necessary to expand and redevelop the spaces designed for teaching, guaranteeing universities the freedom to take action in the areas that need to be developed.
TEACHER-STUDENT RELATIONSHIP: We believe that dialogue between students and teachers is a fundamental factor in our formation. It is necessary to increase spending to hire a number of teachers adequate to the needs of students, to encourage research on teaching methodologies and techniques and to train teachers about them.
EXPANSION OF THE AVAILABLE COURSES: We believe that it is essential to allow more freedom in the formulation of study plans for degree courses, so as to allow more personalized and multidisciplinary pathways. In addition, it is necessary to simplify the process for establishing agreements for the provision of Double Degrees, even between Italian universities, and to encourage the possibility of accessing Minor Degree courses.
ENABLING DEGREES: As already provided for by Law 163/2021, we propose that other degree courses also become qualifying, starting with engineering and architecture, whose respective professional associations have already submitted an application to the Ministry. In addition, we believe that constant dialogue with students regarding the implementation of this law is essential, with particular reference to the delicate adjustment of the degree course in psychology, which must include the introduction of 30 CFU internships, necessarily at the expense of other courses.


TRADE IN EUROPE AND INTERNATIONAL: On average, only 55% of credits sustained abroad are recognized in Italian universities. We propose to streamline the conversion process of credits earned abroad to ensure the validation of study plans.
ERASMUS TUTORS: We propose to establish a university network of Erasmus Tutors made up of students who have returned from abroad to help outgoing and incoming students.
ORGANIZATION AND TIMING: It is necessary to streamline the procedure for accessing calls by reviewing the bureaucratic process and admission criteria.
ACCESS TO TEACHING: For years, aspiring teachers have undergone constant changes in discipline and distortions in their employment expectations. It is necessary to plan the entries into the teaching role in order to guarantee annual competitions, making it possible to register for different classes of competition. The government wants to reform the system through the achievement of 30 CFU in psycho-pedagogical disciplines and 30 CFU of internship. We want a clear and stable system: to protect those who have already taken the 24 credits currently required and precarious teachers who have already started serving. We will ask for a form of remuneration for the internship to prevent it from becoming a social obstacle.

For the short version of the program click the link below!

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