
The beginning of the new academic year is approaching and many of you still have lots of doubts and open questions. With this article we will try to answer you in the light of our work in recent months inside...
  • 4 February 2021
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In the last session of the Academic Senate the new academic calendar 2020-2021 was approved. The structure hasn’t changed greatly compared to this year, both in terms of mid-term exams, full ones and exam calls for bachelor and master degrees....
  • 4 February 2021
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A dialogue has started since the Academic Senate of 18 May to define what will happen in our University next year. For Lista Aperta representatives, this discussion has continued and will continue at all levels: from the Rector to the...
  • 4 February 2021
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Here is a guide to matriculation in a Master’s Degree program at PoliMi after graduating in bachelor in the September appeals Below you will find the procedure, deadlines and all the necessary information divided by schools: Engineering, Design and Auic....
  • 4 February 2021
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n this guide we would like to give a complete view of how it works and what we need to know to be able to present a Study Plan (from now also called PdS). We are aware that there may be...
  • 4 February 2021
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In this section we gather some of the most widespread special cases trying to clarify the general guidelines. For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact all our representatives. FAQ – Examples and cases among the most widespread Should we...
  • 4 February 2021
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Tomorrow Friday, November 6th, the new Prime Ministerial Decree, together with an order of the Ministry of Health, will become effective in Italy. The ordinance identifies Lombardy as a “red tier zone”: in this post we will explain what this...
  • 4 February 2021
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Thanks to the great work of our representatives in recent months, it was approved in the meeting of the Board of Directors that also for the academic year 2020/2021, DSU Scholarships will actually be awarded to ALL eligible students. We...
  • 4 February 2021
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Here is a guide to enrolling in a Master’s degree course at the Politecnico in the second semester. Below, you will find the procedure, deadlines and all the necessary information divided by school between Engineering (including Construction) and Architecture. All...
  • 4 February 2021
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al Poli
Gli studenti al Politecnico possono lavorare svolgendo piccole attività per l’Ateneo venendo retribuiti. Questo è possibile grazie agli incarichi di collaborazione a tempo parziale, che non possono superare nell’arco di un anno solare le 150 ore per studente. La remunerazione prevista è di 10€ netti...
  • 1 February 2021
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