Study programme

n this guide we would like to give a complete view of how it works and what we need to know to be able to present a Study Plan (from now also called PdS). We are aware that there may be a lot of different academic career situations, each with its particularities. For this reason, the guide is structured with a first general part, while in the second part you can find some of the most common cases. Any way, it cannot be completely fulfilled, so if you have a question, don’t hesitate to contact us!

What is the study plan?

The Study Plan is the set of educational activities that each student intends to support in a given academic year. The constitutive element is the CFU, that is the university formative credits, that assigned to every formative activity (exams, laboratories …), they quantify the workload demanded to the student. Overall to complete a university career and attain the title it is necessary to overcome a set number of CFU which varies according to the type of course. In this way:

  • 180 cfu in bachelor
  • 120 cfu in master
  • 300 cfu for 5 year single cycle programme

Furthermore it is possible to insert in the DP a minimum of 30 credits and a maximum of 80 credits. They are excluded from these limitations:

  • students close to the conclusion of their studies.
  • students enrolling in the second semester in LM (in this case the minimum is 15 cfu).
  • students in default ofa.

Compilation and presentation

The compilation of the Study Plan consists in the choice of the courses that are intended to be taken in the academic year. You can find the application to insert the Po in Online Services> career data> Study plan presentation.

There are 3 types of teaching, with their cfu, each with its own characteristics:

Effective teachings

These are the credits provided by the Regulations of the Degree Course you are enrolled in. To enter them, select the green “Effective” icon.

Autonomous teachings

They are credits that do not belong to the Degree Course you are enrolled in but they also contribute to the calculation of the credits necessary to obtain the degree. To insert them, select the red “approved” icon.

This type of teaching is more widespread in the master’s degrees than in the three-year degrees, where a more standard course tends to follow.

Furthermore, it is necessary to respect the constraints present in the study manifesto of your course, in which the compulsory exams are reported.

Attention: in the case of inclusion in the DP, this must be approved by the Degree Course Council.

Extra teachings

These courses do not take part in the calculation of credits necessary for the Degree and their overcoming is optional. In the event of a positive outcome, they will be part of the certifications issued with the Degree. Despite this, they contribute to the count for the maximum limit of 80 credits provided for the DP.

To insert them, select the purple “surplus” icon.

Transition from actual to excess or vice versa

It is possible to make the transition from an actual exam to supernumerary or vice versa. This is possible only for courses approved in the DPs of previous years and only at the beginning of each academic year, so it is not possible to make this type of variation in the six-monthly modification of the DP.

You can take the exams in excess until the day before the graduation session and not after that date. Extra exams can be taken in the first useful session after matriculation, if the frequencies are validated (they will be in effect in the new Study Plan).

Attention: this type of variation is considered a substantial change of the DP. For this reason, even if you do not have to do any other operation, it involves the payment of the first installment.

Student contribution according to the credits

The all-inclusive student contribution varies according to the cfu included in the Study Plan. Following this table:

Cfu total

percentage contribution












*full amount of the max isee.

Schedule 20/21 academic year

Presentation Study Plan 20/21
 ENG and CONSTRUCTION ENG   AUIC (Urban Planning)  Design

1/9 al 21/9

1/9 al 11/91/9 al 11/9

31/8 al 8/9

31/8 al 8/9


24/8 al 6/10

4/9 al 14/9

4/9 al 10/9

31/8 al 2/10

31/8 al 8/9

31/8 al 8/9

Six – Monthly Update

EVERYONE1/2 al 8/31/2 al 18/2Not Possible

We are available for any clarification or question. Do not hesitate to contact us! 

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