“Exams, next semester, third wave, new buildings”: all news about the future of polimi

novità futuro del poli

In a period full of uncertainties, we try to summarize for you some certainties about what will happen at PoliMi during the next coming months.

Next semester

Following the DPCM of January 14, in the Academic Senate, there was a discussion again about teaching for the next semester, there are important news!

Thanks to the investments made in equipment, the Politecnico can operate completely remotely or in hybrid mode, and can switch directly from one type of teaching to another, without transition periods.

The teaching of the next semester will depend on the evolution of the epidemiological situation and the restrictions imposed by the health authorities and the government. In essence, the decisions of the government and the regions will determine the transition from one form to another. According to the current provisions the possible scenarios are:

In the white, yellow and orange areas the teaching will be delivered in the September modalities, mixed between presence and distance (with a percentage of 50%), for everyone.

In the red zone, however, everything will still be dispensed remotely.

The study spaces and libraries, or the laboratories, remain open without variations even in the red zone. In particular, to carry out the essential activities for undergraduates or trainees.

We continue to appreciate the effort our University makes to allow all of us not to give up that aspect, made up of spaces and relationships, which is fundamental for our university life.
Certainly it will always be a priority to ensure the safety of everyone when returning to attendance, starting with basic rules such as spacing, use of the mask and tracking cases.

For this reason we are working with the Politecnico, with the Rectors and with the Lombardy Region to guarantee all university students, especially non-resident students, fast and cheap access to swabs. Here you can find more information

Economic aid

From the beginning of the health crisis, we realized how much this crisis would turn into an economic crisis in a short time.  In recent months as an Open List we have worked with the rector and managers to implement a series of targeted interventions to mitigate the repercussions of the covid on our families.

We have therefore not limited ourselves to moving the deadline of the second installment of the last semester by two months forward (which is however not trivial for the amount of millions of euros that this installment means for the Poli), but we have worked immediately to help those who  in difficult economic conditions it was already before the covid (those eligible for the DSU scholarship), monetizing a part of the money that they had not been able to use with meal vouchers (for a total of about 500 thousand euros, and those in difficult conditions  was found precisely because of the crisis, tripling the fund for extraordinary contributions of 150 thousand euros. This fund is still very valid today to receive non-repayable aid of up to 2200 euros from the Politecnico (https://www.polimi.it  / students-enrolled / fees-scholarships-and-financial-subsidies / extraordinary-contributions / HERE more information) We also remind everyone of another agreement that we have helped to create in recent years, the loan of honor.  This is a loan that Intesa San Paolo provides to university students with low and fixed interest and to be repaid up to 30 years later.  Finally, we also made grants to bridge the digital divide, for the purchase of students’ computers and tablets.

The numbers of students who have benefited from these aids are staggering, which means they were needed.  We invite you to write to us for further needs.

POLIMI of the future

During last spring we asked ourselves for the first time what could have been retained from the experience we were doing at a distance and what it was essential to do in presence.  From that moment with the Open List we began a reflection that then embraced the relationships with many students and teachers, with the principals, the managers and the rector.

The rector announced in recent weeks the beginning of a period of intense reflection within our university, because the covid has left its mark and if we are seriously inside the reality we are experiencing we cannot even imagine that after the emergency we will return  to a pre covid normality also at the Poli.  We will certainly have to take into account what we have experienced in recent months, not forgetting, however, that the university is first of all a community and our growth and formation takes place first of all a community and then a personal fact.  For this awareness we have decided to accept the challenge of the rector and involve ourselves personally in the public debates that the rector is organizing with all the teachers and student representatives on the main issues of what will change after the covid, from teaching to the life of the outside  headquarters, from being on campus to internationalization.  Keep following us to stay updated on developments and write us for any ideas!

The PoliMi is therefore thinking about how to evolve in the coming months, but already in these weeks there are many works on construction sites!  HERE you will find updates on construction sites at the poli!

We hope this roundup of news has been helpful to you!
For any questions or concerns do not hesitate to write to us !!

Good luck with your study and merry Christmas!

Lista Aperta Team

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