Here we are! The student elections are starting and we need you! In order to run and continue our work, which has been ongoing for 30 years within the University, we need your help! In order for a list to compete in the Academic Senate, Board of Directors and Joint Committees, we need to collect signatures in support of the candidacy. It’s not a vote, there’s no commitment!

How to sign for Lista Aperta

Here’s the procedure to give us your support:

  1. Click on this link. If you can’t access the ELIGO platform from the link, you can go to Online Services-> Administration -> Online Voting: Presentation of Lists and Candidates (Votazioni Online: presentazione liste e candidati).
  2. Now you’ll see 4 options:
    • Academic Senate (Senato Accademico)
    • Board of Directors (Consiglio di Amministrazione)
    • The Joint Committee of your School (Commissione Paritetica)
    • The Course of Study Council (Consiglio del Corso di Studi)
  3. Start by clicking on “Access Lists”(Accedi alle liste) next to the “Academic Senate” option.
  4. Then select “Examine” next to the name Lista Aperta per il Diritto allo Studio.
  5. Finally, “Insert Support”!
  6. Now all you have to do is go back to the initial screen and repeat the same steps for both the Board of Directors and the Joint Committee!

Please remember, it’s very important for us that you provide support for all 3 organs for which you can sign us up!

How to sign for the Course of Study Council

It’s not over yet! If you know someone running in your Course of Study Council, you can also provide support for their candidacy!

  1. In this case, click on “Access Candidates”(Accedi ai candidati) next to your CCS name.
  2. Search for the candidate’s name in the list.
  3. Select “Support”(Sostegni). Finally, select the option: “Insert Support”

And that’s it! Thank you so much for your support, it’s essential for us!

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